[NOT A BUG] Vitis status

Eeek! Bugs!
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[NOT A BUG] Vitis status

Post by PopeInnocent »

You could say finding bugs is my raisin d'etre.

Speaking of raisins-to-be, I used a Statistics Textbook and it said I learned how to make "Bunches of [spoiler]s," but when I looked in my Combinatorial Knowledge, I just saw the "[spoiler]s". While descriptively correct, it is slightly inconsistent.
Oop shoop, oop shoop.
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Mad Merlin
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Post by Mad Merlin »

Ah, this is actually an unusual case, but I feel there's no bug here. Each item has a plural and a singular form for display purposes. Now, it happens to be that there's both [spoiler] and [spoiler]s as base items. [spoiler]s is the plural form of [spoiler] and thus for clarity purposes, it should not also be the plural form of [spoiler]s, hence, Bunches of [spoiler]s. I'd also argue that no singular and plural form of a item (or word) should be the same, although English occasionally disagrees with me on this point.

You might wonder why one would be so evil as to add in such a mind bending set of items and combinations, and the reason is that I am in fact quite evil.

(As a side note, learning a new combination always uses the plural form, while the list of known recipes always uses the singular form, it just happens to look odd in this case.)
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