I haven't. Though the main reason for that is that I've never played pokemon before, so it's a new idea to me.
Think of it as weapons drawing experience and eventually changing - like a fighter becoming a ninja. I'm not even going to mention that we currently only have two classes, but yet I will mention that weapons and armor don't have class at all?
I was thinking equipped items might be stealable as well. Of course, that could be a nasty surprise if you don't notice that it happened (some might argue that that's the whole point).
Equipped items should be stealable, but perhaps harder to get to. I mean, I'm going to try to keep you from taking the fish out of my hand, ya know?
Also, critical hits could have a chance of critical failure and I would finally know what to do with a duct wad - fix equipment.
More raid points, or more raids allowable per day? You can get more raids per day (up to 4) as you add more campground improvements. I like the idea of spending stamina on raiding as well. One of my concerns with allowing too many raids per day was that you could really ruin someone's day if you kept raiding them all the time, though if you had to spend stamina for extra raids, that'd probably be a good balance.
More allowable per day - but each attack on one individual gets progressively harder as the defenses learn to defend against you. Maximum of three attacks on any given person, and maybe after you've received 5-10 total attacks some magical shield pops up and keeps you safe for another day? The shield I just thought of, the limits come from playing Dark Throne.
The other thing that could be done is to have it be possible for raids to backfire, that is, if you do very badly in a raid, it'll actually have negative consequences for you beyond just not doing any damage.
I'd love it if someone was picking on me, and accidentally "dropped their wallet" or some other item of value. It would have to be something they had with them.
While I'm thinking about this - we should have 4 inventories. Equipped items - limited to what we are wearing. Carried items, limited by our "backpack" or whatever. At home items, pretty much no limit, can be used for cooking and combining. And the only truly safe items go in the bank vault. However, I can see myself getting very annoyed at moving all of this stuff around.
I like the idea of weekly wise sage trophies, though. There's a few more wise sage top 10s I'm going to add as well.
I'm looking for the top 10 forum posts by me, and a stat doubling trophy bestowed to whomever posted them.
Now that you mention it, that could be a good method of limiting how often you can make player unique items. Say it always takes a percentage of your stats to craft a new player unique item (and you can pick how much, say 10-50%, higher percentages will give you better chances at better items), and you can only craft new items at full strength (ie, no previous craftings currently affecting your stats), then you could just regain a few percentage points per day.
Stamina could possibly be converted to spirit or to aid in recovery. This would give max level players something else to spend stamina on, and anyone that just doesn't use all of their stamina.
I like the spirit idea for limiting how many player unique items you can carry/use/store/create as well. I'm thinking storing them should be more expensive than carrying or using them, so as to encourage people to keep player unique items in circulation and not horde them.
Storing them should be difficult. If you think of these items as being endowed with spirit (life/intelligence) then what would actually keep them from leaving the bank on their own? Plus the actual spirit cost. Reliability should be lowered, or the in game items (NPC items?) would quickly become obsolete. How about items have their own spirit rating, which would start at 0/100. As you heal over time, they "heal" to full 100/100 spirit. At that point, they have a mind of their own. Using them could modify their spirit, and if they reach 0/100 they either need rest or could even break.
Hmm, *evil ideas*... just kidding.
Imagine a fighter suddenly becoming a mage or vice versa? Gender switching. Your character inventories becoming randomly mixed. Oh, and on that note, why can't characters directly share items? And have you considered only one campground per account? Lailoken Chase and the Corpse could all share one abode - and items therein could also be shared.
Having the monster actually use the item (or at least gain the bonuses from it) was more or less what I was thinking, though I guess I didn't explicitly say that.
Cool - I just didn't want a Gremlin with a stolen Ice Sword doing bonus fire damage, or not freezing people.
The doppelgangers sound a lot like pets, but with a mind of their own, kinda. The Menacing Figure would certainly cause lots of them...
You have an evil, evil mind, don't you? I mean, not just one evil - but at least two. Hence "evil, evil mind". Meanwhile, that sounds like a mob name. Maybe even a boss.
Domesticated mobs FTW!! Any "non-intelligent" mob, and some intelligent monsters, should be enslavable! It might be trickier to capture a dopelganger.
I could also colour them differently. One reason that wouldn't work well is that a few places items aren't links, but in most others, they are (so they're either black or blue, respectively). Obviously I should just fix that, though. Alternatively, I could bold or italicize them, which would avoid the colour problem.
Since when are links the only thing that can be coloured?
That's an interesting consequence that I hadn't thought of. It'd be interesting to see if it actually was as effective as you think it would be.
Why wouldn't something be as effective as I think it would be? Wrod, yo!
Shocking, shocking!
You sound like you were hit be a Gold Plated Titanium Cored Fairy Dust Laced Tortilla Wrapped Mackeral of Smiting