Client- or server-side bookkeeping?

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Client- or server-side bookkeeping?

Post by PopeInnocent »

Healing potions of various types state how much HP you're given from using them. Perhaps food can do the same, as well as stating how full it will make you? Provided you've eaten it once already, of course...

Incidentally, bookkeeping is a curious word, in that it contains three consecutive double letters.
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Mad Merlin
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Post by Mad Merlin »

Food is different from potions in that it provides a variable HP/stamina bonus rather than a fixed one (this is intentional). So, to be completely accurate, it'd need to list the range of bonuses you've seen, or just average them for an approximation.

Still doable of course, but not completely the same thing as with potions.

Or, you could just say that potions come with labels, food doesn't (Game! doesn't have nutrition reporting laws yet).
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